A Piece of Peace. . .
We stumble upon a piece of peace, a stillness of the mind, a relief from the chaos. . We clutch onto this piece, proud we found it, and fearful to lose it. . We write about it, tell others about it, build walls around it, so we can keep it forever. . We think it’s ours to keep. Then just as how it came, it’s now gone. We learn about how to love. We learn the instructions, and how to create and change it. But love is not in the instructions, just as peace is not in the cage we made for it. Love is in the opening of the flower, and the sunshine reflecting off raindrops. Love is in kindness in all forms. It is in gratitude, acceptance and joy. Love is in our presence to the present. It is in our intimacy with life. As for peace, it’s already here, each time you let go and let peace in.
Peace and Love, Jim
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