Adapt. . .

Adapt. . .. . .
As we grow older, we experience an increasing number of major life changes, including career transitions and retirement, children leaving home, and health challenges—and even a loss of independence. How we handle and grow from these changes is often the key to healthy a healthy path forward.
Many things in life are beyond our control. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to problems. Face your limitations with dignity and a healthy dose of humor.
Everyone has different ways of experiencing meaning and joy, and the activities you enjoy may change over time. If your career slows down or you retire, or if your children leave home, you may find you have more time to enjoy activities outside of work and immediate family. Either way, taking time to nourish your spirit is never wasted.
Try new hobbies, walk new paths embrace something different from your normal routines.The possibilities are endless. The important thing is to find activities that are both meaningful and enjoyable for you.
And it’s never too late to start! No matter how old you are, caring for your bod and mind has enormous benefits that will help you stay active, sharpen your memory, boost your immune system, manage health problems, and increase your energy and outlook on the day now and ahead.
Peace and Love, Jim
#adapt #thedailybuddha
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