I do not believe a human being can be creative. If we perceive creation around us with a certain profoundness, we can imitate in many different ways, in permutations and combinations, and seem creative in society, but actually, we are not really creative. Everything that can be created has already been done in creation.
We are clever craftsmen at the most.
No human being should ever think that we are creating something. In some way, knowingly or unknowingly, we are reproducing a few things from the impressions we have taken in. No one can really create anything new here. Anything you create, whether it is a piece of jewelry or clothing, a building, or whatever else, in any form and color, already exists somewhere in nature.
Shankaran Pillai came to meditation Center, and he wanted a room with a view. He was given an appropriate room in the Chitra block. Then he complained, reiterating, “I wanted a room with a view.” Attendants said, “This is the room that has the best view.” Shankaran said, “The obnoxious mountains are in the way.”
Art of Life. . .

Art of Life. . .
Peace and Love, Jim
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