Baby Steps. . .

It’s critical when looking at any large task to remember one thing – You first learned to walk by taking baby steps. 

The most incredible accomplishment imaginable can only happen by taking the first step. It can be a baby step, but we must take action and step in the right direction.

One of the greatest things about life is that in order to take the first step, we don’t need to have all of the answers, just enough to take the first step. We don’t need to know the HOW of life, just the WHAT. We’re not required to have a 10-page business plan on how we’re going to create something- it’s far more important to have the goal of what we want and take action in that direction.

Just take the first step, knowing that the next one will appear, and repeat daily. When you’re at the bottom of a mountain hiking up, you can only see the steps directly in front of you. As you wind up the mountain sometimes the path is hidden until you go around the bend in front of you. Life is the same way.

If you wait to climb the mountain until all of the steps are clear, you will never enjoy the vista from the top of the mountain. Sometimes the mountain seems too big and we question, “Who am I to do this”? Instead, I would invite you to ask yourself the question, “Why not me?”

Someone has to summit this mountain. Someone has to cure the next disease. Someone has to be the next #1 NY Times bestselling author or an award-winning actor. Someone has to create the next new Fortune 100 company. Why not me?

By asking yourself that simple question, your world opens into the realm of possibility. Focus shifts, and as it does, your odds of success soar exponentially. Then, with the dream in place, you’re ready to take that first step.

The climb up the tallest mountain begins with the first step. Some mornings when our “to do” list seems longer than the time we have, we have to remember these words – Baby steps forward are better than falling backwards.

Peace and Love, Jim

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