Balance. . .

Know your roles and balance accordingly.

You are part of a bigger package. Don’t underestimate your value or place. Don’t over estimate your significance and value. Seek balance instead and honor your place and role in the life you possess and the lives you touch.

With our daily routines and hectic work schedules, we lose a little bit of us everyday. However, it is our family, friends and our inner self that help us to start afresh every new day. Here’s why maintaining a balance in life is of utmost importance. Only if you are able to strike a balance between all the significant facets of life, will you be able to fill the many roles our modern day lives demand of us.

Balance sets the ball rolling for a brighter future. Balance allows us to see, define and understand the roles we play in the bigger picture of life.

When we begin to live our lives with balance we are allowing ourselves more space for peace and harmony in every move we make. We start to take more thoughtful approaches, not just ones taken in out of emotion. Besides using balance to our advantage in regards to managing time, it also becomes helpful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle including a healthy mindset and healthy body will help improve our days, ways and plays.

Peace and Love, Jim

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