Be Your Anchor. . .

If you step back a bit, back from the perceived rush of time ticking and the many voices calling from your to-do list, you can stop here in the Present moment. It is the rush of thoughts that moves us rapidly into the future. The best way to slow down time is to step out of time altogether. When we’re truly in the Present, we’re in timelessness.

We can become Present when we focus on something concrete that is here and now. The sound of the airplane going overhead. The smell of cinnamon and clove. The wafting of steam into your nose from a cup of tea. Feeling the soft fur of your pet snuggled on your lap. Walking barefoot on dewy morning grass, relishing in the sensations. These simple sensory experiences bring me into the present, help me release the temporary busy-ness for a little while, and shift me into the inner peace that is timelessness.

The interesting paradox is that, in that timelessness, when our mind quiets, we realize that all the things we worry about, stress over, rebel against, and struggle with are temporary. They are conditions that come and go, like the breath and the waves on the ocean. The only thing that is constant through all of that is the Self within that watches all the changes.

Through all that is temporary, anchor yourself to the timeless Self – the unchanging essence of who you are.

Peace and Love, Jim

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