Calmly Sensitive. . .

Many turn to meditation to induce a sense of calm and balance within their hectic lives. However, would you believe meditation may actually increase your sensitivity?

For those who are already highly sensitive, the thought of adding to their peceptual intensity and feelings may not sound appealing. With these heightened sensory experiences, meditation increases the body’s response to stimuli and helps you to handle it head-on. Increased Sensitivy can result in decreased stress and inflammation, for example.

Essentially, sensitivity is how your body responds to external stimuli. The good news is meditation can help you make better sense of the experience. Here are three ways meditation and sensitivity go together.

Boosts Brain Activity – Meditation stimulates the prefrontal cortex of the brain. It is the part responsible for memory, problem-solving, planning, information processing and social behaviors.

Decreases Stress and Inflammation – The best way to increase your body’s mobility is by decreasing inflammation in your joints and muscles. Meditation can induce this effect by reducing stress and increasing sensitivity in the nervous system. 

Raises Awareness of Thoughts and Feelings – Of course, a state of calm raises your awareness of thoughts, emotions and physical sensations more than before you started meditating. Some highly sensitive people might be most wary of this effect. Yet, you might learn to appreciate who you really are.

Meditation can increase receptivity and sensitivity, but you can change your perception to make sense of your feelings. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, start viewing sensitivity as a strength. If anything, meditation will create enough of a calm space for you to gain better control of stimuli.

Peace and Love, Jim

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