Certainly Uncertain. . .

We aim to be so certain about many things in or life and days.. From who is to blame for failings at work to which child broke the vase or scared the neighbors cat. But has I have taught – life one certainty is uncertainty

To embrace uncertainty, you need to understand that you can’t control the world around you. In fact, we all need to accept that we don’t know what’s next. And what’s next is sometimes mildly upsetting or depressing or frightening.

Our phone service will fail us. Our car will break down. Our friend will let us down. We will get lost, even though we all have GPS. We will unexpectedly lose someone we love dearly. If a backyard Buddha can lose its head, then anything can happen and will happen. Life is uncertain.

There is only one thing we can control, and that is our reaction to uncertainty.

I know I am a simplifying, but hear me out. We are only going to find happiness in this world when we try to find acceptance of uncertainty. I can’t control the world around me. I can try and on occasion, I will succeed in controlling what happens around me, but more often I will fail. Things will go right. And things will go wrong. Things must go there directions, there is no other way.

So can I keep my composure? Even when I have no idea what is going to happen next?

Can I smile and laugh when it’s just small stuff? Or will I lose my head like the Buddha in the photo?

And when it’s big stuff that goes wrong can I shed tears, as many tears as needed, and in time move forward and do what’s best for me and the people around me?

My answer is yes, I can embrace uncertainty, at least until I can’t. And when I can’t embrace uncertainty, that’s okay because one thing I am certain about is that I am imperfect. So the best I can do is try. You should try to embrace uncertainty too.

Peace and Love, Jim

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