You can only lose what you cling to.” — Buddha.

Letting go of hang ups is a huge part of Buddhist philosophy. When you realize the impermanence of everything around you, you begin to let go and enjoy the world for what it is. This is a lesson I reminded myself of daily when I end my meditation. Throughout our lives, so many of us naturally attach ourselves to relationships, material objects, and circumstances in life. But by wanting to keep these things fixed, we resist the natural way of change. So, instead of continuing this trend, remove the friction by releasing attachments and allow yourself to flow with the universe.

This actually gives you more energy to focus on what you can control in your life. The more you can let go of  “things and mindsets” in your life, the less cluttered you’ll feel.

This doesn’t just involve material possessions, either. You can ask yourself what’s really important in your life, and focus only on your highest priorities.

Remember – A simplified life is more enjoyable, less complicated and very resilient.

Peace and Love, Jim

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