Common Ground. . .
There is probably no one in the world who has not heard of Gautama’s name. Though there have been many Buddhas, his name has lived on.
He has been one of the greatest spiritual waves and probably the most successful spiritual teacher on the planet. In his own lifetime, he had forty thousand monks and this army of monks went out to bring a spiritual wave.
He did not do anything very new as such, but he offered spirituality to the society in the way that it works. Until then, spiritual teachings were offered only in Sanskrit language in that part of the world and Sanskrit was available only to a certain community of people.
Others were barred from learning it because this language was seen as the key to the Divine. For the first time, Gautama spoke in Pali, which was the common language of the day. He opened up the floodgates of spirituality for all kinds of people.
Long ago The Buddha sat beneath a bodhi tree – “Either I must see the ultimate nature of my existence now, or I will sit here and die. I will not open my eyes till I know this.”
Once he made that resolve, to know what is within, which can happen in a moment, he saw that you do not have to do anything in particular or be of any special canon or family – freedom from suffering is available to all.
We only need to awaken and that is the Dhamma, the simple yet difficult path of awakening for one, for all.
Peace and Love, Jim
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