Cultivate Compassion. . .
When we see what we are all up against—when we see the suffering and struggle that all humans face—the only response that makes sense is simple compassion. The Dalai Lama said, “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” Compassion is the quality of being attuned to people and attending to their needs. It involves the desire to be moved by suffering and the motivation to help alleviate and prevent it. Genuine compassion is a deep, heartfelt concern for the well-being of others. It overcomes the human tendency toward selfishness. We can also extend compassion to ourselves, paying attentionto our own needs and feelings in a respectful, gentle way. Cultivating compassion invites you to abandon the struggle of the ego, which allows you to move toward the highest version of yourself. Compassion opens the door to greater connection with others. It promotes a soft response toward the undesirable events we inevitably experience in life. When you adopt the attitude of compassion, you move from criticism to forgiveness, from separation to unity, and from anger to grace. You meet everyone (including yourself) with unconditional love and without blame or judgment, while aspiring toward peace and harmony.
Peace and Love, Jim #compassion #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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