Enjoy. . .

I am cat guy. My whole life I have had and loved cats. All types, all demeanors and all with great love in my heart for them and their quirky natures.

Our current kitty is Miss Tashi and she is the love of our life. But much like myself she is up in her years ( 14 human years old) and she has been slowing down a bit and occasionally having some issues.

As I watch her roll around like a drunk Charlie Chaplin in our loft, playing with catnip stuffed lizard named Leonard then looking patiently at me to get him unstuck from the corner of our coffee table, I’ve beheld a cat who has seen her abilities slowly fade one by one and yet still manages, every day, to be living her best life. She spends no time moaning over what she can no longer do, and every moment enjoying what she can. I told my wife, “I think Tashi is teaching me how to grow old.”

We each know our days are limited and our bodies mayn’t keep up with what our minds think we can or should be doing. So today as I watch Tashi live her best life, I encourage us all to not become bogged down in what we may not do so well anymore, but instead to look to the many amazing things we can do, we can share and we can enjoy not only for ourselves but the world that watches on and needs a little inspiration.

Peace and Love, Jim

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