First Steps. . .

Often the first step in anyones personal journey of understanding and grace can be both the simplest and hardest to take. . .

We must open our lives – heart, mind and days.

OPENING YOUR HEART – This is based on opening your heart and mind to a spiritual nature. It is tuning into that presence and understanding within you. If you don’t have this, you will be working with theories, which offers different results. To get the full impact of the awareness of the presence, FEEL it. Look within and feel it. By quietly sitting and taking in at least three deep full breaths, feel and watch the power of calmness come over you.

CHOOSING – Get the thought of what you want as clearly as you can. Make a list of what you want, put it in writing and understand that this is choosing. By choosing you begin to exercise dominion in all of your life. Spirit will speak to you through intuition, guiding you to choose even greater experiences. All the good that you seek has already been given to the reality within us. We have every thing right now, but we have to claim it and believe we have it.

ACCEPTANCE – Spirit cannot make the gift available unless you accept it. Only that which you are willing to accept will be yours. All your intuitions and understandings are first in thought form and when we accept these thought forms a pattern of expression of that thought form is established in consciousness. Once you choose what you want, you accept it mentally and with the fullness of your feeling nature.

HAVE – When you accept something, you have it even if it is first in the invisible form. When your consciousness accepts that you have accepted it, then it shifts from a sense of need to one of have. By acknowledging that we HAVE, we shall demonstrate HAVE. Move away from “need” to knowing you already have and you shall have it happen for you. Allowing doubts to creep into this space you will negate everything.

ACTION – Move into action. The world works through you. Do whatever it is that intuition guides you to do, NOW! Always listen to that inner feeling for guidance then go forth and put it to the test. Keep what works and grow from the rest – there are no failures just faith. We have to act faithful, be faithful and work as if we have what we desired.

Peace and Love, Jim

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