Grace and Growth. . .

A merchant bearing fifty rolls of cotton goods on his shoulders stopped to rest from the heat of the day beneath a shelter where a large stone Buddha was standing. There he fell asleep, and when he awoke his goods had disappeared.

He immediately reported the matter to the police. A judge named O-oka opened court to investigate. “That stone Buddha must have stolen the goods,” concluded the judge. “He is supposed to care for the welfare of the people, but he has failed to perform his holy duty. Arrest him.” The police arrested the stone Buddha and carried it into the court.

A noisy crowd followed the statue, curious to learn what kind of sentence the judge was about to impose. When O-oka appeared on the bench he rebuked the boisterous audience. “What right have you people to appear before the court laughing and joking in this manner?

You are in contempt of court and subject to a fine and imprisonment.” The people hastened to apologise. “I shall have to impose a fine on you,” said the judge, “but I will remit it provided each one of you brings one roll of cotton goods to the court within three days. Anyone failing to do this will be arrested.”

One of the rolls of cloth which the people brought was quickly recognized by the merchant as his own, and thus the thief was easily discovered. The merchant recovered his goods, and the cotton rolls were returned to the people.

The Lesson: The imperfections of our moments and life are there for each of us to grow from. Sometimes we must do so alone and at others times we are given opportunities to express and grow in ways we may not fully understand. When we give others a chance to make up for mistakes without judgemnt we make visible a continued opportunity to express our love and help others accept and grow from their own path. This is grace.

Peace and Love, Jim

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