Life’s One Constant. . .

Life is temporary, as are all things in it – including happiness.

Even if we lived forever, consider that nearly all of our life experiences would still be temporary.

  • Career: It’s exceedingly rare to have one career your entire life. Even when people do, they almost all retire, making it temporary all the same.
  • Emotions: Human emotion fluctuates constantly by moment. Sad, happy, angry, anxious, excited, afraid. The highest emotions can be crushed by bad news. The lowest emotions can be conquered by time, a good friend, or ice cream (temporarily of course).
  • Relationships: People move. People change. Even the closest relationships can be temporary. Marriage is “til’ death do us part,” and it’s so special when it lasts that long because that’s more rare than common.
  • Health: Even someone in perfect health can experience surprise illness or injury. If the person then recovers, it makes their perfect health and setback both temporary experiences.

It can feel disheartening to think that exerting effort for any result is just going to be temporary. This is where the other most used word in my vocabulary comes in – understanding.

Real power is intermittent. Think of the most powerful person in the world, and consider that they need to lie unconscious for hours every day (sleep) to regain energy. We all have ups and downs. We all experience good and bad – THIS IS NORMAL!

You can always choose. Even in cases in which you have no control over your situation, you can choose how you respond emotionally, what you say, how you act within the scenario. For the vast majority of people, thankfully, their power to choose goes well beyond that. You can choose to start a business, to apply for your dream job, to treat yourself to a day off, or whatever else you need to advance your life.

Life is a temporary experience full of more temporary experiences. The power of choice is the one aspect of the human experience that isn’t temporary. We can always choose our next move and grow from there

Peace and Love, Jim

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