Listen. . .

So many people miss one of the most important points and skills of life : listening to their heart.

They either subside what they truly want and do what others tell them to do or are just simply oblivious to what they actually want. And needless to say, it isn’t gonna matter whether you kept moving forward or not if it’s the wrong direction that you have been treading on. You can hustle, grind, and sweat all you want; but if it’s pointing to the wrong destination, then it is all for nothing.

The thing is you can’t let anybody decide things like these for you, and I mean anybody, I don’t care if it’s your parents, spouse, friends, relatives, or society. You gotta make decisions like these on your own. Doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong, the more pressing issue is whether you were the one who took the final shot or not.

Right or wrong is totally subjective and keeps on changing from person to person and from situation to situation. If you are wrong then you are wrong, if you are right then you are right.

You will have to bear the consequences ultimately, and hence, it should be you only who should be responsible for the kind of consequences you want to face. It shouldn’t be someone else’s hand on the steering wheel in your own car of life.

When you listen to what your heart has to say and take decisions based on that, then you will automatically find it super fun and exhilarating. Because nothing is above the fact that you are doing what you love to do. Even if you fail and hit a wall, it won’t matter much to you and ideally, you would still keep on surging ahead with your head held high. You will be living each and every moment of your life if you are truly in sync with what your heart has for you. Now, that’s something to relish.

Peace and Love, Jim

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