While mental health issues affect both men and women, research has shown that certain mental conditions affect the sexes differently. Similarly, fewer men are diagnosed with common mental health problems than women yet male suicide rates are significantly higher. This suggests that men may not be seeking or receiving help even though they’re dealing with mental distress.
When it comes to men’s mental health, gender stereotypes and society’s expectations are reasons why men are less likely to talk about or seek help for their mental distress. Just like the gender stereotype towards women and how they should act or appear a certain way can be damaging to women, so can stereotypes and expectations towards men.
Research suggests that men who aren’t able to openly discuss their emotions may find it harder to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health issues in themselves. They are also less likely to ask for help when they need it. On top of that, men may be more likely to turn to coping methods like alcohol or drugs and less likely to open up to their loved ones about their mental health.
It’s important to put yourself first and prioritize your mental health to make the most out of life. There are simple changes you can make that don’t require a lot of money or time. The following are some ideas for how to improve men’s mental health.
Express your feelings – One of the best ways to maintain good mental health and deal with your troubles is to talk about your feelings.
Stay active – Regular exercise has many benefits like better sleep and concentration, as well as boosting your overall mood. It also keeps your body healthy and improves your self-esteem – all of which are great for your mental health.
Eat nutritious food – Nutrients are essential for keeping your brain healthy and functioning well. A balanced diet that is good for your body is good for your mind too.
Limit alcohol – Men often turn to alcohol to alter their mood, such as feelings of loneliness or fear. Drinking alcohol affects your brain and body, and is an unhealthy way to deal with difficult feelings.
Take a break – Whether it’s a lunch break out of the office, a short rest during tasks, or a weekend away, changing what you’re doing or your environment can do wonders for your mental health.
Enjoy yourself – Make time for activities you can easily lose yourself in and that make you forget about the time. Activities you enjoy are usually ones you’re good at, which is great for your self-esteem.
“Wise men don’t judge – they seek to understand.” – The Buddha
Male Mentality. . .

Male Mentality. . .
Peace and Love, Jim
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