Jumping into a Buddhist practice can be intimidating. After all, there are various teachings or sutras in addition to 2,500 years of Buddhist history. However, Buddhism is essentially a teaching of empowerment, meant to be accessible to all people in any age.
We are perfect and complete just as we are. – We each have unlimited wisdom, courage and compassion within. Buddhism is a practice of awakening to and acting based on this reality.
Believe in yourself against all odds. – Since we are Buddhas in reality, the practice of Buddhism is essentially a fight with our self-doubt or negativity. We face our doubt, come to understand it and live ac ordingly.
When we change, the world changes. – As we change for the better, so does our ability to impact the world around us.
None of us exists in isolation—to be aware of these connections and have gratitude for them is the happiest way to live. – Having gratitude for the many people and functions in our environment that support us is the key to building a happy life.
Since everything is interconnected, we become happy through supporting others. – We live in an interconnected world, in an interconnected time, and we need understand and work with this.
The essential teachings of Buddhism are often easy to understand. The hard part is putting them into practice each day. .
Practice. . .

Practice. . .
Peace and Love, Jim
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