Have you ever been in the presence of a person so kind, loving, lively, and radiant that it has left you speechless?
This uplifting power must be encountered to be believed. We all can be that person and reveal our awesome loving potential. We all can learn how to be extremely present, involved in the moment, sometimes funny, always compassionate, and profoundly at peace. Spending time with people who radiate love, kindness, and positive energy is nourishing and healing. Common characteristics of these individuals are selflessness, lack of egoism, warm aura, genuine integrity, and charisma. These qualities are not hard to master, and transformation is possible for all of us.
Here are 20 easy ways to start radiating love, kindness, and positive energy:
- Always wear a smile. Even on those tough days mustering a smile not only changes those around us, it transforms us in the process
- Tell people they’re beautiful and that you’ve missed their presence. There is never harm in being kind.
- Help someone in need. We all need help at times so be that help when the situation presents itself and in the end someone will do the same for you one day.
- Give random gifts to your loved ones or co-workers. No need for special occasions because the act of giving is special.
- Drink from a reusable water bottle, recycle, bike/walk to work, or choose to eat sustainable foods. The smallest act of caring is important.
- Compliment a stranger. We all need a friend. We all need a kind word. Combine these energies and with the world unfold in beautiful ways.
- Donate, volunteer, and always be generous. Generosity has some amazing benefits but you have to give to understand them.
- Forgive yourself for any mistakes you’ve made. We all deserve forgiveness for we all make mistakes or stumble on our path. Begin with yourself and expand from there.
- Give generous tips and leave thank you notes on the bill.
- Reach out to someone you haven’t talked in a while. Connect, reconnect and make that relationship alive with love, attention and generosity.
- Make other people feel great. Smiling at people and asking how they are can greatly make a positive difference to their day.
- Incorporate positive words in your conversations. Be friendly, enthusiastic, positive, and appreciative.
- Do the things you love. Whatever it is that makes you feel better, do it. It could make you radiate positive vibes.
- Do small things with great love.
- Make happiness a priority. Radiating positive energy has to start with being happy yourself.
- Hold the elevator door for others. Assist a stranger with carrying groceries. Be that energy and spirit the world could use more of.
- Adopt an animal from a shelter. So many creatures need help and love. Don’t limit yourself, your kindness or your perspective. Share the love.
- Take care of a plant. Caring for and nurturing a plant can extend your positive energy in ways that may seem small at first, but you are planting the seeds for bigger things.
- Donate books to a local library or bookstore. Eduction in this modern world is very important so donate what you can. The efforts can spread in wonderful ways.
- Tell someone you had a disagreement with that you’re sorry. Don’t hold differences to the point of separation. We all have our moments and in that we can find unity.
Peace and Love, Jim