Redefined. . .
For almost 20 years now, I’ve been learning to live a simple life. A life uncluttered by most of the things people fill their lives with, and left with space for what really matters. A life that isn’t constant busy-ness and rushing, but contemplation and creation, connection with people I love and time for nature and activity. That doesn’t mean I have zero clutter and zero complications: I’m a part of the world, not a secluded monk. I have possessions, electronics, distractions, and occasional busy-ness. I just have reduced it to make space. Today I’ve been reflecting on this simple life, and thought I’d share some of those reflections. Some things I’ve learned about living the simple life:
  • You can’t have a simple life if you’re unwilling to let go of what you’re used to.
  • Shopping isn’t therapy or entertainment. It’s a waste of energy and money. Buy what you NEED, Treat yourself occasionaly.
  • It’s easy to fill up our lives because there are so many things that sound amazing. We hear about what others are doing and instantly want to add that to our lives. But it’s harder to remember that by adding so many things to our lives, we are subtracting space. And that space is important.
  • By saying no to things that sound really cool, I’m saying yes to what’s truly important to me.
  • It’s tempting to fill in every little minute of the day with productivity or distractions. Don’t. Leave some emptiness.
  • When you travel lightly, you’re freer, less burdened, less tired. This applies to life, not just travel.
  • It’s better to have six books on your shelf that you’re really going to read than a hundred you never get around to.
Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two.’ ~ Winnie the Pooh
Peace and Love, Jim #redefined #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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