Stories Of Value. . .

My grandmother used to always say, “the older you get, the longer the days and the shorter the years.” Sometimes we get so caught up in the business of life, that we forget to take a moment and think about the really simple and beautiful things. We also tend to not remember the “unseen things.”

Once upon a time, a village decided to get together and pray for rain. On the day of the prayer, all the people gather…only a small boy brought an umbrella. – THAT’S FAITH!

Consider the feeling of a one-year-old baby. When you throw it up in the air, it laughs because it knows that you are going to catch it. – THAT’S TRUST!

Every night we go to sleep, we have no assurances that we will wake up alive the next morning but we still set the alarm for the next day. – THAT’S HOPE!

Focus on remembering these simple but powerful values and concepts – not only do they bring us into our being, they shine a light on the path for others.

Peace and Love, Jim

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