To See. . .

To See. . .. . .
Once in Savatthi, the king called a certain man and said: Assemble together in one place all the men in Sàvatthi who were born blind.
Having done as the king commanded, the king then said to the man, Now show the blind men an elephant. Again the man did as the king commanded, saying to each as he did, oh blind man, this is an elephant and this is its head. This is its ear. This is its tusk. This is its trunk. This is its body. This is its leg. This is its back. This is its tail. This is the end of its tail.
This having been done the king addresses the blind men saying, ßHave you seen an elephant? and they replied, we have sire.û And what is an elephant like? he asked. And the one who had touched the head said, an elephant is like a pot while the one who had touched the ear said, an elephant is like a winnowing basket. The one who had touched the tusk said, an elephant is like a plough pole while the one who had touched the trunk said, It is like a plough. The one who had touched the body said, It is like a granary and the one who had touched the leg said, It is like a pillar. The one who had touched the back said, It is like a mortar, the one who had touched the tail said, It is like a pestle while the one who had touched the end of the tail said, an elephant is like a broom.
Then they began to quarrel saying, Yes it is! No it isn’t! An elephant is like this! An elephant is like that until eventually they began fighting with each other. Having told this story, the Buddha summed up its meaning in a terse little verse. Some monks and priests are attached to their views and having seized hold of them they wrangle, like those who see only one side of a thing.
The key to understanding the meaning of the parable is in the last line of this verse; seeing only one side of a thing (ekaüga dassino). This is but one example of where the Buddha gives advice about how to form a more complete, a more accurate view of reality.
Peace and Love, Jim
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