Light The Way. . .

In Buddhism the highest expression of truth, grace and understanding is metta, the Buddhist goal of universal and all-embracing understanding. Metta means much more than united feelings or kindheartedness, though these are part of it. It is active benevolence, a love which is expressed and fulfilled in active actions for the uplifting of fellow beings.

Metta goes hand in hand with helpfulness and a willingness to forego self-interest in order to promote the welfare and happiness of mankind. It is metta which in Buddhism is the basis for social progress. Metta is, the broadest and intensest conceivable degree of sympathy, expressed in the throes of suffering and change. The true Buddhist does their best to exercise metta toward every living being and identifies themself with all, making no distinctions whatsoever with regard to caste, color, class, or sex.

In addition, of course, the teachings of the Buddha are a prime cultural force in Oriental life, just as the Bible is the ultimate source of much Western art and thought. The Buddhist scriptures are larger and more detailed than the Christian Bible, however, and in translation would fill a dozen volumes. In Pali, the language of the scriptures, the Buddha’s teachings are called Tripitaka, which means “The Three Baskets.”

Vinaya Pitaka, -“The Basket of Discipline,” consists of five books which expound the rules of buddhist life.

Sutta Pitaka, “The Basket of Discourses,” is a collection of discussions, stories, poems, and proverbs, written in simple language, imparting all the precepts of practical Buddhism.

The third basket, Abhidhamma Pitaka, or “Basket of Ultimate Things,” deals with epistemological, metaphysical, and psychological matters and is of interest mainly to trained philosophers.

In The Buddhas words, these three baskets – the Tripitaka offer a cohesive guidance at every level of intellectual, ethical, and spiritual activity. The Buddha’s own words endow the value of knowing the Tripitaka –  We should each be striving to be  the light, a lamp for all.

Peace and Love, Jim
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