Life Inverted. . . nvert [v. in-vurt; adj., n. in-vurt]
  1. to turn upside down.
  2. to reverse in position, order, direction, or relationship.
  3. to turn or change to the opposite or contrary, as in nature, bearing, or effect: to invert a process.
  4. to turn inward or back upon itself.
  5. to turn inside out.
An example of inversion is our view of the world. We see things that are not there, and we do not see things that are there. We see happiness in worldly things – such as fame and fortune, possessions and youthful beauty – yet we don’t see the ever-present stress that underlies these fleeting things and experiences. When we buy a new car, we worry about it being scratched or stolen; when we buy a new house, we worry about meeting the mortgage repayments; when we have wealth, we worry about that wealth being taken from us. So although wealth is important in providing us with comfort, sustenance and happiness, we should be clear in our minds that the happiness that comes from this wealth is limited. On the other hand, long-term happiness that is not dependent on the flimsy sensual pleasures of the world can be gained only when one has happiness within oneself. This is why the wealth of the heart is worth a lot more than the wealth of the world. In order to find this internal happiness, one needs to start seeing the world as it really is and not just as we want it to be. We need to develop our mind’s clarity and presence so as to see clearly what is really going on before us and within us in every moment. We must get to know ourselves better, build confidence in inner wealth, so as to muster the courage and skill to turn our mind away from the superficial and conceptual world, to really know and experience life as it really is in this very moment. It is with a mind that is clear and present, mindful and sharp, that we can reverse the inversion, turn the world upright, and live in accordance with the right way of the world and not the other way around. Sincerely, I wish you the clarity to see all that is inside, and the equanimity to face the world outside, as it is. May you find lasting happiness that fills the whole of your body and into the depths of your heart. Peace and Love, Jim #inverted #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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