Peace and Love, Jim
The Opportunity. . .

The Opportunity. . .
It is important to understand that reading information alone will not by itself bring about the benefits one finds in actual enlightenment/awakening. Awakening is experiential realization and completely beyond the realm of intellectual understanding. The difference is like night and day, analogous to memorizing a restaurant menu versus actually eating the meal.
I can say from direct experience that direct realization is completely direct, immediate, and non-intellectual, it is the most direct and intimate taste of reality beyond the realm of imagination. It far exceeds one’s expectations and is far superior to anything the mind can ever imagine or dream of. – It is utter freedom.
Can you imagine living every moment in purity and perfection without effort, where grasping at identity does not take hold, where there is not a trace or sense of ‘I’ as a seer, feeler, thinker, doer, be-er/being, an agent, a ‘self’ entity residing inside the body somewhere relating to an outside world, and what shines forth and stands out in the absence of a ‘self’ is a very marvelous, wondrous, vivid, alive world that is full of intense vividness, joy, clarity, vitality, and an intelligence that is operating as every spontaneous action.
There is no sense of being a doer, where any bodily actions, speech and thoughts are just as spontaneous as heart beating, fingernails growing, birds singing, air moving gently, breath flowing, sun shining – there is no distinction between ‘you are doing action’/’you are living’ and ‘action is being done to you’/’you are being lived’.
This is a world where nothing can ever sully and touch that purity and perfection, where the whole of universe/whole of mind is always experienced vividly as that very purity and perfection devoid of any kind of sense of self or perceiver whatsoever that is experiencing the world at a distance from a vantage-point — life without ‘self’ is a living paradise free of afflictive/painful emotions.
These are of course ideal states and most of us, though on the path, have many steps to take and understandings to embrace. my point is this: Everything in our life is an opportunity to grow. In short, Every problem is an oppurtunity. If you want to have the growth mindset. which i call the buddha mindset, you will have to face every single problem in your life. Dont back down, Dont give up. Always remmember, the PROBLEM is an oppurtunity to grow.So, don’t miss it.
#opportunity #thedailybuddha
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