The Season. . .
By now, the aliveness of spring/summer is showing its faces everywhere.  I love the season, the flowers showing their faces and the beauty of all that shines in the glow of light.  This time of year can be about that aliveness in each of us. The season is very much about opening.  The flowers open their buds and we’re opening to new ideas, new energies, new adventures. Our hearts can powerfully open at this time of year, bringing us deeper into connection with others, with ourselves, and with our sense of simply being. Our minds can open to imagination, to new ways of perceiving the world, and to new directions that life can take us. What a great time to be encouraging our bodies to open – whether through yoga, a few laps in the swimming pool, or a spontaneous dance in the living room!  But only if we’re willing and aware of the potentials waiting inside to blossom, will we open. What is waiting inside you to blossom?  Is there a door that’s patiently beckoning you to open it and step inside (or outside)?  Is there something you’ve always wanted to try that’s tapping you on the shoulder?  Have you been resisting a new idea or way of doing something?  How about simply opening to the unexpected?  Let yourself be receptive to the positive energies of spring and what they might bring into your life, even if you haven’t a clue what that might be. Affirm your openness to the possibilities of each moment, let go of your defenses & resistance, and know that the energy inside you leads to something far better than you can imagine. Allow yourself to open like the brightly unfolding petals of a flower. May the season of growth bring inspiration, love, and light into your life in a amazing way!
Peace and Love, Jim
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