The Three P’s. . .

We are here to grow.Without a growth mindset, it’s hard to embrace change and internalize learning opportunities that come in the form of disappointments and setbacks.

In the fixed mindset, everything is about the outcome. If you fail—or if you’re not the best—it’s all been wasted. The growth mindset allows people to value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome.

When I look at life as a giant test, it feels overwhelming. But when I’m able to reframe my thinking and see situations as learning opportunities and practice to be better than I was before, I learn more. Growth mindset questions: What feels like a test in your life right now? How can you reframe your thoughts around the situation and look at it as life practice instead?

Scientists think about gathering information and data, rather than focusing on failure when an experiment doesn’t go as hypothesized. Setbacks are opportunities for data collection that can help an experiment run better the next time. It is through these moments that I developed The Three P’s.

Patienceprocess, and progress are helpful words to remember when thinking about your personal growth. Recently, I had an experience where I felt like I should have been better prepared for a difficult situation, and I felt bad that I had surely missed several opportunities. Remembering patienceprocess, and progress helped me reframe this experience as part of my personal growth.

It is through our awareness and perceptions of our moments that we can truly see and understand our efforts as not outcomes but opportunities. When we shift from the outcome of effort to opportunities for learning and growth we have made a small but very powerful shift in our mindset AND life.

Opportunities allow for flexibility, creativity, and the ability to pivot based on new information, while outcomes can sometimes limit our perspective and stifle our efforts. 

Peace and Love, Jim

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