The Way. . .

The Way of the Bodhisattva was composed by an eighth-century Indian Buddhist philosopher Shantideva and is one of the most revered texts in Buddhist literature.

The ultimate goal of all our actions is to gain happiness and be free from suffering. Yet, suffering is an inevitable part of life. This is where Shantideva tells us that suffering although unwanted has its uses. It humbles our pride and engenders sympathy toward those who are suffering.

“Suffering also has its worth,Through sorrow, pride is driven out And pity felt for those who wander in samsara”  – Shantideva

However, we rarely focus on these aspects when faced with an unpleasant or threatening situation. After all, it seems natural to resent the circumstances or aggressor. In line with the adage “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional”, Shantideva implores us to shift our perspective from just “our pain” to a broader, more compassionate outlook.

What does it mean for us in our daily lives? When someone attacks or criticizes us, we might want to retaliate in anger. Here, Shantideva asks us to accept reality as suffering is an inevitable part of our lives. Our reaction shouldn’t be “How can I escape?”, but rather “How can I build something positive out of it?”.

Life has the ability to either embitter us or ennoble us. The difference lies in finding meaning in our suffering. Without meaning, we will become embittered, but once we find some redemption, some shred of meaning, then it can ennoble us. This is where Shantideva guides us.

Peace and Love, Jim

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