Transformation. . .

Transformation arises not through ambition or self-will, but amidst our efforts to see, grow and understand our good and bad moments in this journey. Generally, we don’t take steps toward growth until the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change. Only in that place does true growth begin.

Transformation begins with a decision to forgive and to extend unconditional grace, acceptance, and love to all.

Transformation grows with our decision to believe the best about another, remembering their best qualities, and overlooking their offenses.

Transformation occurs when we let go of preconceived ideas of what should have been and collectively work toward one another’s best interests, serving one another in all humility.

Transformation begins in our heart and the private meditations of our thoughts. We experience greater joy and fulfillment in our relationships as we train our mind and speech to stop saying harmful words and practice the daily discipline of believing and speaking encouraging words of affirmation.

Transformation begins when we focus on what is essential and intentionally practice the good things we know we should do.

Transformation requires change. We either move towards growth to reflect more of the power of change, or we become stagnant.

Transformation flourishes when we seek to promote another’s happiness over our own.

Transformation occurs when we look inward and decide, “What’s my part? How can I help? How do I need to change?”

Transformation takes place within our own heart, individually. We cannot change another person. We are responsible for our own life and actions.

Transformation takes time. It requires concentrated attention and intentional actions. It is a result of an ongoing process; it’s more than an event.

Transformation requires letting go of offenses and extending forgiveness.

Transformation believes and brings out the best in others.

Transformation applies knowledge with action.

Transformation requires intentionality and applied action, consistently.

Transformation is a journey toward becoming our greatest potential.

Peace and Love, Jim

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