Meditation and yoga are both strongly recommended for promoting a state of balance, as breathing helps the mind focus. Meditation helps increase energy, improve blood circulation, and improve the endocrine system.
On the other hand, yoga helps improve flexibility in addition to strength and balance, contributes to a healthier heart, allows for better sleep, and helps relieve back pain.
Experienced Buddhists who meditate regularly are less likely to feel shocked, surprised, or enraged, and their brain regions linked with positive emotions are more active overall. This also makes them less prone to anxiety, paranoia, and fear.
You can start by doing yoga for around 15 minutes to half an hour, and follow with 5-10 minutes of meditation afterwards, and you can increase the time of your meditation to 20-30 minutes or slightly more if you wish to do so. This will help your body relax after tensing up from working out.
Two To Grow With. . .

Two To Grow With. . .
Peace and Love, Jim
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