In the past few days, I’ve heard so many disheartening stories of people showing their worst (like fighting over toilet paper at Costco). I’ve also heard uplifting, inspiring stories of people reaching out to help others, like a young couple who are running errands for their elderly neighbors who have no family nearby. 

Those stories of kindness, of tenderness, of joy are what will carry us through the difficult and challenging times we all collectively face. These moment have me reflecting and focusing during my meditations. I’ve been thinking a lot about kindness. Even if you are isolated at home, it’s important to remember you aren’t alone in your struggles. But what if the heaviness of that struggle, the burden of it could be lightened? 

Kindness is one way to do that. Because when we offer an act of kindness, it not only blesses the recipient, it also blesses the giver. So, I challenge you, in these uncertain times, to do one kind act a day. Toss kindness around like confetti. Even if you’re stuck at home, can you do something that will bring a smile to the face of a loved one there with you? Can you share something positive or uplifting or fun in your social media outlets to bring a smile to others? They don’t have to be big, grand acts of kindness to be important and of value. Something as simple as a smile can truly brighten someone’s day.

In that brightening of the day of another, who knows? You might just start a chain reaction that blooms with beauty and joy.  So in these turning times remember this – Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference its the one act that provides good ness to both the giver and the receiver – In this journey we call life, we will all be both.

Peace and Love, Jim

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