WIse VS Rational. . .
Wise Mind vs. Emotional Mind are two ways of thinking and feeling that affect our decisions and actions. A wise mind integrates rational and emotional aspects, while an emotional mind is driven by intense emotions and impulses. A wise mind helps us act wisely and effectively, while an emotional mind can lead us to act impulsively and regretfully.
With practice, you can strengthen your wise mind to override emotional reactivity. Learning to tap into your wise mind in times of distress can help you avoid regret, repair relationships, and lead a life aligned with your values. Your emotional mind and wise mind represent two distinct ways of thinking that shape your reality and choices each and every day. A wise mind is a state of mind that combines reason and emotion. It arises when you tap into both the rational and intuitive parts of your mind. With a wise mind, you make balanced decisions and judgments by considering both logical and emotional information. The emotional mind refers to the part of your brain that is reactionary, impulsive, and often illogical. When in an emotional state, you are driven primarily by your feelings rather than reason or rational thinking. Our emotional mind is instinctual and reactive, while our wise mind is thoughtful and rational. Balancing these two aspects of our cognition is key to managing emotions and making good decisions. The key is learning to pause when you have an emotional reaction, reflect, and tap into your wise mind. This is a skill that takes practice. With time and effort, you can strengthen your wise mind, override emotional impulses, and lead a life guided by wisdom and insight rather than volatile emotions. Achieving balance between emotion and reason is a journey, not a destination. But making the effort to understand yourself at a deeper level is worth it for your health, relationships, and peace of mind. Your wise mind is always there to guide you; you simply have to listen.
Peace and Love, Jim #balance #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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