Within. . .
Do thoughts really create our reality? Does our perception of life, of things, and of ourselves actually reflect in the way life presents itself to us?
I am fascinated by this idea, and it has really led me to the foundation that we each ARE actually in charge of how we experience, perceive and live our life? One of the many energies/mindsets that sadden me is seeing people worry and or lament over life. As if life is happening to them, and that they are just simply unfortunate. On the contrary, one of the greatest joy about life is that it only takes a slight shift in perception and attitude to actually shift the quality of any given day. To change our life, we don’t necessarily have to tackle big things like change of jobs, change the world or make a big confrontations. We only need to do simple things: being grateful each day, doing our best to incorporate joy in everyday things and having a calm, contented mind and heart. This is a gift when you can partake in each day! A powerful It is such a skill to be able to change your life just by changing what’s within you. But guess what? You have to believe this, to believe in you – After all, everything starts from within.
Peace and Love, Jim #within #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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