Words. . .

The world wants and craves love – now more that ever,

You can see love in carefully crafted pieces, full of an exquisite attention to detail that might seem absurd to someone who doesn’t know what love is. Many historical tragedies, both real and fictional, would become incomprehensible. Why did Romeo and Juliet take their own lives? Only love, madness or ignorance could explain it. 

Back to our world. It’s messy. It’s painful. Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be much of a point to any of it… but there’s still love. For better or worse. There are lovers and beloveds, and there’s the hope to be or remain among them. 

All of this begs the question: what did our ancestors have words for that which we don’t? What will our descendants have words for? 

There are already ideas and feelings in us that we can’t express. Mixed, mysterious things that both agitate and attract us. There are new ways of doing things that we can scarcely imagine because there’s no means to fit them into current worldviews. If someone voiced it, they’d have to come up with a new word, and most of us would think that they were psychotic. 

But there was a time when “individual” didn’t exist. “Freedom,” “enlightenment,” “beauty,” “God,” and “country” were inaccessible ideas, and we can see what the world was like without them in it. Then they gradually appeared, created by people voicing things that some others felt or believed but couldn’t share or fully understand. 

It could be that mysticism’s view that the absolute truth is beyond words and letters comes from the fact that we haven’t been able to find the right word for it. Like the color borange or the tone delta-flat, it might exist everywhere, but so do our limits. 

So, explore those unthought thoughts and unfelt feelings. Bring the seen together with the unseen, giving birth to new words and keeping others alive. Dare to be unintelligible and never stop loving. 

Peace and Love, Jim

#words #thedailybuddha

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