Working Wisdom. . .

According to Buddhism, there are three levels of wisdom.

  • Received Wisdom: When someone shares something with you, at that level, it’s called received wisdom. A person with blind faith in anything only reaches this level of wisdom.
  • Intellectual Wisdom: When you intellectualize and understand the received wisdom, it turns into intellectual wisdom. This is when you know why something works.
  • Experiential Wisdom: This level of wisdom is when a person becomes truly wise. When wisdom gets entangled in your neurons, and it becomes second nature to you, only then do you become truly wise.

Most of us know a lot. That is, most of us are intellectually very wise. But a good life still eludes us. That is because unless that wisdom gets deeply entangled with our neurons, it won’t make much of a difference.

Even though Buddhism is much older than science, The Buddha knew the principles of neuroplasticity. He knew that true wisdom can only be achieved when we practice wise thoughts frequent enough so that they get entangled with our neurons.

Even though it’s a simple principle, it’s life-changing because you can use it to literally start winning every situation in life. As they say, change your thoughts, change your life. You can do it in three simple steps.

  • Figure out which mental battle you’re losing.
  • Try to audit your thoughts for that battle and research for stronger thoughts for your inner angel so that she can start winning.
  • Practice inducing those strong thoughts every morning to rewire your subconscious. This will train your inner angel to whisper all the practised wisdom into your ear, right when you need them.

And then, my friend, you’ll become truly wise.

Peace and Love, Jim #wisdom #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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